Tuesday, March 12, 2013

INSPECTION BLUES!..Bankers stuff..Others too welcome!

Branch Inspection is a fine balance between Precision and Time Management. Most of you must of have seen the Inspection Assistants feverishly hammering the keyboard by the fag end of the inspection. In their anxiety to finish the task, certain typing mistakes creep in unknowingly. Here are some of those funny probables in the Inspection Reports, which are otherwise serious affairs…. No pun intended please... Just enjoy reading them.....and try to find out the correct words…..!!!!

i) The ‘Chef’ Manager is advised to ‘insect’ the unit ….

ii) It is reported, the ‘burrowers’, did not acquire the ‘asses’
out of bank ‘fiance’
iii) The branch has not ‘exorcised’ proper discretion

iv) The official is now a ‘Faulty’ member at the ‘Leaning’ Centre
v) Rectified during the ‘curse’ of Inspection….

vi) The ‘Beard’ Resolution is silent on the additional ‘burrowings’

vii) The Official is on deputation to ‘Not working Department’
viii) ….vide Controllers' ‘massage’ dated…..

ix) The branch is keeping the ATM ‘curds’ and PIN ‘Nailers’ in the custody of
one official….

x) The on-site ‘ATM’ shit’ rate is very low….

xi) The controllers’ were reported to have given “herbal” instructions to the branch……
xii) The borrower’s expected ‘mental’ on the property appears to be on a high side..

xiii) The branch has transferred all its Recalled Assets to ‘Stressed Asses Resolution Centre’….
           Taken from Net

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