Monday, July 6, 2009

Some useful thoughts!!

A poster showing a fish, caught on a hook, the caption read as "Even a fish would stay out of trouble if it kept its mouth shut".
A nice quote from Mother Theresa...."Love your friends and not their sisters,,,,love your sister and not her friends".
Happiness is a special perfume but you can't spread it on others, without getting a few drops on yourself. So, always be happy to make others happy.
Friendship is a lovely track traveled by two, with hand in hand, to care, to share, to forgive and to say silently "I am always with you".
Doctor's report:- "Banana has a very high melting point. So, our stomach produces a strong powerful acid to digest it, which simultaneously digest other foods also. So, don't drink water after eating banana, it will dilute the acid".
Nice Lines: "Why we have so many temples if God is everywhere???" A wise man said "Air is everywhere, but we still need a fan to fell it".
Mind takes brilliant decisions with some mistakes but heart takes cute decisions with 100% truth. Allow your heart to rule yourself.
Achievers never expose themselves, but their achievements expose them. DO OR DIE is old saying DO BEFORE DIE is the new one.
Life is "SIN 90" that is ONE. Love is "COS 90" that is ZERO. But Friendship is "TAN 90" that is "INFINITY".

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